Case Studies
Featured Successes
▶ Turnaround: Engineering Firm
We assisted an engineering firm that had 70% loss of business due to economic and construction industry conditions. Right-sized staff, consolidated operations, negotiated settlements with creditors and shareholders, restored Company profitability and positive net worth, established diversification strategy, and designed buyout program for senior shareholders.
▶ Diversification and Growth: Environmental Firm Serving Energy Market
We assisted an environmental firm that had lost its largest client to define a diversification and new business development strategy and plan. The Company recorded record sales and profit and is now seeking strategic partners.
▶ Strategic Consulting and Business Sale: Analytical Firm
We assisted a leading analytical firm serving bioanalytical, industrial and federal markets with evaluation of strategic growth and capitalization, considering market trends and shareholder goals. Prepared and marketed the firm for sale to a strategic buyer to provide growth platform and shareholder liquidity. Successfully negotiated and completed transaction.
▶ Acquisition Strategy and Search: Infrastructure and Construction Company
We assisted a global engineering and construction firm with development of a diversification strategy and acquisition search. Established criteria, completed outreach to potential targets, advised company on transaction structure and pricing, integration to successfully complete and integrate acquisition.
▶ Commercial Alternative Energy Strategy and Partners: Diversified Manufacturing Company
We assisted a large, manufacturing company serving power, aerospace and industrial markets with evaluation of its alternative energy technology. Developed and directed implementation of a strategy to achieve successful commercialization, including market evaluation, characterization of assets, and development of strategic partnerships.
▶ Growth Strategy and Plan: Managed Solutions Company
We assisted a company providing IT-based solutions to the transportation infrastructure and energy markets with strategic planning and development of its management structure and processes to support goals. Resulted in significant Company growth and profitability. Assisted Company principals to develop a time-phased leadership succession and ownership transition plan.